Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hatred and Spiritual State

Today we had a few seekers home from a spiritual organisation. We consider ourselves lucky to have seekers coming home with their high energies levels. We chatted about things that were happening around us – from terrorism to war fear. This organisation’s effort to fight unrighteousness around us provoked me to think of one basic principle of Spirituality and Godliness.
Spirituality is about unconditional love because so is God. The natural state of self is Sat-Chit-Ananda that can manifest pure love and nothing else. The natural state of a being is spiritual hence the highest form of bliss. When one is in a state of bliss he cannot hate anything or anyone. If he confronts something that is distasteful to the spiritual values of the society, in a blissful or a high spiritual state he can transform what he confronted. This simply means that spiritually high souls with their energy will transform what is undesirable to something desirable with the power of love.
Spiritually speaking, we cannot hate a being because of him being negatively charged. When we hate even a wrongdoer it is against the laws of spirituality. Hatred is a state of mind that is unspiritual even if it is against a wrongdoer. It doesn’t matter whether you hate a criminal or an innocent. The mere state of being in hatred attributes to one’s spiritual degradation no matter what position he holds in the eyes of the society. Therefore we understand that the religious leaders who sow the seeds of hatred in the name of righteousness are responsible for the degradation of their followers’ spiritual level as well as their own.
As one increases his spiritual practises he will gain enough subtle power which will help him operate from a domain of peace and love. One may wonder how difficult this is to practice but I have come across many occasions in my life where I have approached challenges with love and yielded positive results effortlessly. It is a matter of increasing the spiritual strength with the desired practices as per one’s own religion. I promise – One can start reaping the fruits of bliss and operate from this domain to enjoy a more meaningful spiritual life.